Thursday, October 11, 2012

Plight of Mango Man

     Today, while I was watching the movie named ”Chala Mussaddi – Office Office”  directed by Rajiv Mehra & Pankaj Kapoor as Mussaddi Lal Tripathi, I just felt that some day or the other we all have faced Mussaddi Lal’s situation.  India today is among the most corrupt nations of the world, after fighting for more two hundred years, is our independence worth earning this title.  Why should the common man always bear the cost of economic meltdown?  After all it is the hard earned money from our blood & sweat which is drilled out from our pockets in various forms. “paise ped pe nahi lagte” At one time, bribe was paid for getting wrong things done but now bribe is paid for getting right things done at right time.
     Corruption, in its simplest sense, may be defined as an act of bribery or misuse of public position or power for the fulfillment of selfish motives or to gain personal indulgence. May it be a simple autowala to elite officials everyone is in a chance to squeeze the juice out of the mango man.  Corruption is a cancer of society, which every Indian must strive to cure. Why should the common man always be tormented in the name of development, competition & economic crisis? Every now and then new scams are coming up, economy is dwindling in the few hands, but there is lack of transparency to the people, so whose democracy is it?
     The important causes of corruption in India are poor regulatory structure, irrational process of decision making, official secrecy, lack of empathy, rigid bureaucratic structures and processes and absence of effective internal control mechanism. Social acceptability, tolerance for corruption and absence of a formal system of inculcating the values of ethics and integrity further propagates corruption.
     My purpose of writing this article is not just to lecture about corruption but I want you to ponder upon common man’s plight (as we are one of them) & work upon some innovative ideas to improve the scenario, say no to ill practices. Please take out some time from your busy weekend schedule to watch the movie, Chala Mussaddi – Office Office. I am sure, at some point of the movie you will feel yourself or your loved ones in the shoes of Mussaddi Lal.  What were the circumstances & how did you tackle the situation?  I welcome you to share your experiences in this post.
     “Corruption and hypocrisy ought not to be inevitable products of democracy, as they undoubtedly are today” by Mahatma Gandhi (Father of the Nation)
      Jaago Mango Man Jaago! 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012