Wednesday, June 26, 2013


“What happen, Disha” Uncle Niraj asked in a confused tone.
“Manual accident with a fellow passenger.” A sarcastic reply
 “Where is my seat?” I enquired to avoid further discussion.
“Upper berth” Sunaina answered pointing her index finger.
 “Oh no, I have a fear of falling down from the upper bunk. But do I have an option?” I murmured.
Soon it was lunch time & my stomach started grumbling. Uncle Niraj took out a bag full of edibles specially prepared by Aunty for the journey. She packed poori, sabji & acchar, a typical Indian cuisine, in disposable box.
“Wow that looks delicious” Sunaina grabbed her box & passed one to me. While I was adjusting my area to eat, a weighty duffle bag banged on my back & my food packet was all on the filthy floor. “Idiot, don’t you have eyes” I screamed & expected an apology. But the rude passenger was too busy amending his luggage & didn’t bother even to turn back & look what he has done.
“Don’t worry dear, we have an extra packet” Uncle consoled me & handed a packet.
I snatched & started gobbling as my hunger & anger were both at the peak.  After few minutes, unstoppable hiccups started as I am not use to spicy food.
“Drink some water” Sunaina passed me the bottle. In haste it slipped out from my hand & rolled back to the cabin behind me. I turned around to grab it & “Boom” head on collision. For few seconds I was blank and then I opened my eyes to see the unthinkable.
“Sorry, sorry are you ok?” The same husky voice spoke to me. This time I could observed his brown eyes with a zing, sharp nose & scanty beard, gelled hair. He was tall, had an athlete figure wore light blue T-shirt & Denim. 
“Control yourself, Disha” my inner voice. I totally forgot the pain.
He came close & gentle banged my head again. “Uh, I am really sorry for that time too, while adjusting my luggage...
“It’s ok” I replied before he could complete his sentence & retrieved back with the bottle. While everyone around us were staring this drama.
I looked at my watch & it was 10 ’O’ clock at night. We already finished our supper.  I bend down my berth to see Uncle & Sunaina were on their respective bed with blankets on. I continued reading my book. “Darling, you still have two more boring days to come” again my inner voice mocked me.  The train was running as though there is a fire behind, I had to grasp the wire mesh partition, separating my berth from the other side upper berth & couldn’t read further. Just then I felt warm fingers touching mine. I sprang up to scold the loafer & “Oh no, not again”.
“Sorry sorry, I didn’t mean to do this. By mistake my hands touched yours. This is the fourth time I am sorry. I am not doing anything intentionally”. He spoke in one breathe & I didn’t know how to react. I just gestured with a smile. (Can’t help this time). I pulled my blanket, prayed & closed my eyes trying to sleep. I could hear some classic romantic songs played from the other side, which made me fall in sweet dreams.

                                                     To be cntd...

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