Monday, June 24, 2013


Organizing small items at home is always a tedious task. Today, I am going to share with you how easily you can make a wall mounted organizer which not only saves space & time but can be made from disposable articles.

Items required:
1. Medium/large size transparent packet with hook (usual apparels are packed);

alternatively you can get a durable plastic sachet, drill a hole & insert a hanger to hang up.
2. Stapler, sellotape, thread & needle.
3. Scissor, Cutter & chopping board or any hard board.
4. Pen & a long scale.  
5. Ribbon or lace & decorating stuff of your choice.
Time required: Almost half an hour.

Step 1- Insert the chopping board/hard tray, etc, inside the packet. Measure & draw two straight lines across it in equal distance. Then slit it carefully as shown in the image, make sure you don’t cut till the edges just leave half inches on both sides. See image 3.

Step 2- Secure the ends after cutting with sellotape. Note: upper end stick to base as to make a pouch & lower end to seal the edges so that it doesn’t tear off later. Secure the slit joint by stapling it. See image.

 Step 3- Sew the ribbon/lace on top of the sellotape of the pouch you have made, in big loops, for stronger base to hold items.
 Step 4- Twist the ribbon & lock it by stapling, giving extra hold in the corners.
Step 5- Give the finishing touch by decorating with individual creativity. I have used an old hair-band for the pouch openings.

Dhan-te-nan your “see-through wall mounted storage” is ready, now you can sort out items & place accordingly.  The transparent look will help in identifying your articles easily. You can keep jewellery, make-up items, assorted school & office supplies, key chain, coins, important papers & the list goes on.  My husband says it looks very girly but never mind. You can change the look with your creativeness.  

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