Thursday, June 20, 2013

Simple & colourful candle stand from household items

Since, I don’t like sitting idle, my mind keeps looking for ideas to utilise my time in the best way.  Today, I have come up with a simple craft converting household items & waste into useful output. This may sound child-like but never mind, I wish to share with like-minded people.  Below I have listed the details of making a candle stand with household items.

Time required: half-an hour
Ingredients: Waste glass bottle, pulses of different colours for filling, ribbon for decoration.

Step 1: Wash the waste glass bottle thoroughly to remove label & dirt. Dry it properly both inside & outside.  If the bottle remains dam the pulses may get rotten inside :/ eww & you don’t want that.
Step 2: I have used 6 varieties of pulses namely,  masoor & moong daal mixture(first layer for  beautiful coloured base, then green gram, followed by Chana Daal, Kali daal & on top of the bottle filled few large beans to close the neck. Make sure you leave the neck part half-an-inch empty to insert the candle. You may use as many coloured pulses as you like.
Step 3: After filling the bottle tightly, decorate only the neck part, with colourful ribbons. Make sure you don’t overdo as it may spoil the look.
Step 4: Insert the candle to see if it fits in properly else you can melt the base a little to tighten the grip. Make sure it doesn’t fall off as it may lead to accidents.

 That’s it your simple & colour full candle stand is ready. Have fun & stay safe.


  1. Potpourri, simple and nice idea, looks really pretty :) Will look forward for more creative ideas.

  2. Thanks dear...lot of ideas but just need time & patience to implement. :)
